Max Farrior
by Max Farrior


  • Music

What I Played

Sigor Ros:

  • Takk…
  • Von
  • Von brigoi
  • ( )


  • The Fall of Math
  • One Time for All Time

This Will Destroy You

  • Young Mountain
  • This Will Destroy You
  • Field Studies

What I Kept

All of this is good in my opinion and most of these albums will stay in my library.

What I Thought

So a post-rock kick here. I really enjoyed hearing all this. The Fall of Math was probably my favorite here. It’s just enveloping. I get caught into the music. A general theme was that this music wasn’t in the standard music format. There was a lot of long buildups and progressions. And a lot of the music was experimental.. and by that I mean kind of weird. I liked it.